Strategic IT services, tailored to meet YOUR needs

We provide small to mid-sized companies in Victoria with fit-to-size IT solutions that make technology one of their most profitable investments...

Are you stuck with an unresponsive and unsatisfactory IT person?

Have you had to deal with delayed responses over and over again?

An "IT partner" that won't be there on time when you need them, is no partner at all

Are your processes a disaster waiting happen?

It's hard enough growing a business - you shouldn't have to deal with disjointed processes as well

Would you like your IT investment to yield results?

That's how it should be and with the right IT solutions (designed with your needs in mind), you'd be amazed at the results...

We make IT one of your greatest assets

Let's face it, growing a business is hard work. We know firsthand because we've scaled a business from scratch before starting up HILSON Technologies. Chances are, there are already so many moving parts of the business demanding your attention. The last thing you need is an additional cause for concern, uncertainty, or confusion!

That's exactly what IT has been for many business owners in the City of Greater Bendigo and City of Ballarat. Technology has been a necessary evil that they have to budget for - just to keep the lights on. Nothing could be more unfulfilling. We're changing that; by providing businesses with IT solutions that were custom-designed with their day-to-day processes in mind.

As a result, we make it possible for you to save more time, increase productivity and achieve much more with less as a company. This isn't just marketing speak; it's all our clients know (and trust) us to provide - every single time.

of our clients stay with us.
years of combined experience

How our IT support helps small to mid-sized businesses like yours

100% You-focused

We're a technology provider that focuses on clients' needs. We take the time to understand your business and requirements, in order to guide you towards your goals.

Stable systems

We ensure that your systems are consistently up and running so that you can focus on getting real work done. From internet connection to cybersecurity, we handle all of IT.


A business that was built in 10 years could come crashing down in 10 minutes with one clever hack. We proactively prevent that, with our 7-layer-strong cybersecurity system.

Work effectively

By automating your day-to-day processes with AI, we enable you to achieve more with the same team. This is only possible with IT experts that deeply understand your needs.

Leverage the Cloud

We have the cloud computing prowess to keep you productive and safe on the cloud no matter what. Work equally securely and efficiently, from home or the office.

Down-to-earth support

Our helpdesk takes the jargon out of IT. We're friendly IT experts that genuinely care about your business.

We can make IT your competitive advantage, want to see how?

Get started